Fat Is Your Friend!

We're bombarded with the message that we need to limit our intake of fats and oils, especially saturated fat. This may be true if your diet is high in sugars and starches. However, the rules change once you cut back on those carbs. Then, fat is your new best friend!

Which fats and oils should you choose?

  • Monounsaturated fats (from avocado and macadamia nuts)

  • Polyunsaturated fats

    • Omega-3's (in fatty fish and some nuts and seeds)

    • Omega-6's (from whole-food sources and a few oils, such as extra virgin olive oil)

  • Saturated fats (from butter, ghee, and other animal sources)

  • Coconut and medium-chain triglyceride oils

Virgin coconut oil is a saturated vegetable fat rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). During digestion, a few select MCTs (capric/caprylic) are transported directly from the small intestine to the liver. There, they are converted to ketones which are returned to circulation and distributed throughout the body to meet energy needs. 


Therapeutic Ketosis: Let’s Get Real!


Glucose and Glutamine: Cancer’s primary “fuels.”