Keto for Cancer
Although evidence supporting the benefits of ketogenic diet therapies continues to mount, there is little to guide those who wish to adopt this diet as a metabolic therapy for cancer. Keto for Cancer fills this need. Inspired by the work of Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, nutritionist Miriam Kalamian has written the first book to lay out comprehensive guidelines that specifically address the many challenges associated with cancer, and particularly the deep nutritional overhaul involved with the ketogenic diet.
Kalamian, a leading voice in the keto movement, is driven by passion from her own experience in using the ketogenic diet for her young son. Her book addresses the nuts and bolts of adopting the diet, from deciding whether keto is the right choice to developing a personal plan for smoothly navigating the keto lifestyle. It is invaluable for both beginners and seasoned users of the ketogenic diet, as well as for health-care professionals who need a toolkit to implement this targeted metabolic therapy.
The book guides readers to a deeper understanding of the therapeutic potential of the ketogenic diet ― which extends well beyond simply starving cancer ― emphasizing the powerful impact the diet has on the metabolism of cancer cells. Nutritional nuances are explored in sections such as “Fasting Protocols” and “Know What’s in the Foods You Eat” while meal templates and tracking tools are provided in “Preparing Keto Meals.”
Kalamian also discusses important issues such as self-advocacy. Readers of Keto for Cancer are empowered to “get off the bench and get in the game.” To that end, Kalamian offers tips on how to critically examine cancer-care options then incorporate what resonates into a truly personalized treatment plan.
A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Practitioners
About the Author
Miriam Kalamian
Miriam Kalamian is a nutrition consultant, educator, speaker,and author specializing in the implementation of ketogenic therapies. She earned her master of education (EdM) from Smith College and her master of human nutrition (MS) from Eastern Michigan University. She is board certified in nutrition (CNS) by the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists. Read her full CV here.
Inspired by the work of Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, Miriam draws on a decade of experience to provide comprehensive guidelines that specifically address the many diet and lifestyle challenges associated with a cancer diagnosis.
Miriam is a leading voice in the keto movement. Her passion for helping others implement this diet comes directly from her personal experience. Her son Raffi was diagnosed with a brain tumor in December 2004. Standard of care therapies failed to stop the relentless progression of his disease, and it became painfully clear that she needed to switch gears quickly. That is what originally led her to Dr. Thomas Seyfried’s research supporting the use of the ketogenic diet for cancer.
Beyond cancer, Miriam integrates nutritional strategies with metabolic therapies and lifestyle modifications to develop personalized treatments that address a broad spectrum of conditions that are currently considered intractable, including age-related and neurodegenerative diseases.
Miriam lives in Montana with her husband Peter. Learn more about their personal journey and Raffi's Story.
RECENT RELEASE: Miriam has contributed to an excellent new textbook, Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices. Her chapter is entitled, “The Ketogenic Diet: Harnessing Glucose, Insulin, and Ketone Metabolism.” Learn more here on Amazon.
Foreword by Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD
Miriam It is an honor for me to write the foreword to Miriam Kalamian’s deeply important book, Keto For Cancer. Miriam has produced a masterpiece that translates decades of research on the anticancer therapeutic benefits of ketogenic diets and calorie restriction in preclinical models to a practical guide for people with cancer and practitioners who are increasingly drawn to the science behind this metabolic approach. The information in her book moves far beyond the limits of conventional anticancer nutrition to include the use of food as medicine, a concept first elucidated by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine.
Miriam’s book comes at a critical time in our quest to manage cancer, as the cancer field is now stagnating under the weight of traditional therapies (radiation and chemotherapy) that result in unacceptable toxicity and impairment in quality of life, often with little improvement in survival. Even the new immunotherapy drugs are proving to be unacceptably toxic, marginally effective, and inordinately expensive. The rate of increase in deaths from cancer over the last five years (3.4 percent) is now twice the rate of increase in new cases (1.7 percent). According to data from the American Cancer Society, cancer deaths have reached epidemic proportions, with over 1,600 people dying each day in the United States alone. Too often, five-year survival statistics masquerade as a cure, allowing the conventional community to dodge any discussion of long-term survivorship, especially in those people with aggressive or metastatic disease.
How could this situation exist even with the enormous investment in resources and the decades of research directed at cancer therapies supported by the NIH, the pharmaceutical industry, and the many private cancer research groups, many of which are founded by people who have lost loved ones to this disease? This unacceptable state of affairs is due largely to the prevailing but flawed dogma that cancer is a genetic disease. Massive evidence shows the large impact that environmental influences have on the initiation and progression of this disease. Cancer treatment centers use buzzwords like personalized medicine, targeted therapies, and cancer mutation screening to imply that cancer is under their control. These are hollow words linked to a fundamental misunderstanding of the origin of cancer. Emerging evidence indicates that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease arising from a disruption in the ability of the cell to obtain the energy it needs to survive and proliferate from normal cellular respiration. Although the cancer research community acknowledges this aberration, it fails to connect the dots leading back to the origin of most cancers. That is, most cancer cells obtain their energy from the process of fermentation, which was the way primitive living organisms survived before oxygen became abundant in Earth’s atmosphere some 2.5 billion years ago. It is cancer’s protracted reliance on fermentation energy that leads to the many genetic mutations seen in cancer cells. In other words, the mutations are not the cause of cancer but instead are the downstream effect of the disturbed respiration that drives compensatory fermentation and even evasion from immune system surveillance.
Cancer mutations are “red herrings” that divert attention away from the real problem, which is a reliance on fermentation for growth and survival. It is no wonder that cancer therapies based on the gene theory have had so little success in managing the disease. Damage to cellular respiration, thus causing a reliance on fermentation, can arise from any number of provocative agents, including carcinogens, radiation, tissue inflammation, viral infections, focal hypoxia, rare inherited mutations, or simply age. Fermentation metabolism also makes tumor cells resistant to radiation and chemotherapies by strengthening their inherent antioxidant defenses. Miriam’s book provides a nutritional strategy to manage cancer based on the metabolic origins underlying most tumor cells. Cancer is not many diseases, as some would suggest, but it is a singular disease of abnormal energy metabolism regardless of the cell or tissue of origin.
It is now recognized that both glucose and glutamine, an amino acid, are the prime fuels that drive fermentation metabolism in most tumor cells. In addition to generating energy, these fuels are also the precursors for the synthesis of lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which pave the way for rapid tumor cell proliferation. It follows that the most logical therapeutic strategy for managing cancer centers on restricting glucose and glutamine. The low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet is an alternative, nontoxic metabolic strategy for targeting those tumor cells that depend on fermentable fuels for their growth and survival. Therapeutic ketosis starves tumor cells of glucose while elevating blood levels of ketones, a metabolic fuel that enhances the health of normal cells. Tumor cells, however, cannot use ketones for energy because of defects in oxygen respiration. Ketogenic diets also enhance the therapeutic action of glutamine-targeting drugs, and there is evidence that ketogenic metabolic therapy sensitizes tumor cells, in effect targeting them for destruction without producing collateral toxic damage to normal cells. Recent studies from an oncology clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, showed that a ketogenic diet used together with a cocktail of glucose-targeting drugs and procedures that increase oxidative stress in tumor tissue could successfully manage a broad range of advanced stage IV metastatic cancers, including breast, colon, ovary, lung, and pancreas. The ketogenic diet has also been shown to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of low-dose chemotherapy while simultaneously reducing toxicity to normal cells, tissues, and organs. It therefore becomes essential for cancer patients and their caregivers to recognize and understand how therapeutic ketosis using ketogenic diets can be used for managing cancer while also improving quality of life.
Miriam Kalamian is exceptionally well qualified to instruct cancer patients, their family members, and their oncology teams in using therapeutic ketosis as either an adjunctive or alternative approach for managing cancer. Miriam experienced firsthand the therapeutic effects of the ketogenic diet over a decade ago when she initiated the diet as a nutritional strategy for her own son. Indeed, her book is dedicated to Raffi, and the passion she has for sharing this experience is palpable. Managing Raffi’s brain tumor with a ketogenic diet put her on the path to learning the science behind the therapy and helped her to face the many challenges she encountered as an advocate for her son. I consider Miriam Kalamian a foremost authority in the emerging field of metabolic therapies for cancer. Her book addresses every question or concern that cancer patients might have in using a ketogenic metabolic strategy for managing their cancer. Being part of the team takes on new meaning as the person with cancer now plays an active role in the management of the disease. Miriam has provided cancer patients with a playbook that lays out the moves and strategies necessary for the nontoxic management of their disease. It is my view that therapeutic ketosis that revolves around ketogenic diets should be incorporated into the standards of care in oncology. Miriam Kalamian’s book is an essential resource for any cancer patient, caregiver, or oncologist with an interest in metabolic therapy.
Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA
Reviews & Praise
“Starve a cancer cell? Indeed. Kalamian, a nutritionist and educator whose 13-year-old son died of brain cancer, argues that research efforts focus too much on genetics and drugs and not enough on the environment and diet. Tumor cells seem to feed on glucose, so she argues that it makes sense to try a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet. With his introduction, biology professor Thomas Seyfried adds credibility to what he calls a ‘playbook’ for patients and caregivers who would like to try incorporating ‘therapeutic ketosis’ into their standard-of-care oncology treatment. In her how-to guide, Kalamian covers meal planning (many fats are friends), fasting (mostly good), calorie restriction (just don’t go overboard), chemo and radiation (the weight loss they often cause might drive some of the early response to treatment), side effects (an increased risk of kidney stones), and long-term benefits of the keto diet (improved blood pressure, more energy). Though she is an unapologetic advocate, Kalamian does advise readers not to force a loved one to embrace this nutritional therapy.”
“Keto for Cancer is an incredible guide for cancer patients and anyone attempting the ketogenic diet for the metabolic management of disease or just overall health benefits. This book addresses at least 95 percent of the questions I get on a daily basis. A must-read resource for anyone interested in ketogenic diets, cancer, exogenous ketones, and personalizing their nutritional ketosis strategy.”
“In an era when interest in ketogenic diets has erupted and misinformation abounds, Miriam Kalamian has brilliantly cut to the facts for cancer patients and their caregivers. Keto for Cancer is a clear, concise, and invaluable resource that describes both the science and implementation of these metabolic therapies. Underlying it all is the heart of a mom who has experienced the ultimate tragedy and has chosen to give additional meaning to her son, Raffi’s, life.”
“Keto for Cancer reveals how a ketogenic diet powerfully targets cancer at its metabolic core. This approach to cancer therapy, and prevention, offers up a welcomed perspective in a world focused on waging war on cancer with medical weapons of mass destruction. Miriam Kalamian’s exemplary achievement brings clarity to this emerging science and makes implementation of this information straightforward and uncomplicated.”
“Standard treatments for Miriam Kalamian’s son Raffi’s brain tumor failed and crippled his quality of life, so she went to graduate school to learn all she could about metabolic nutritional therapies. Keto for Cancer is comprehensive and has appropriate cautions about the limits of the approach. It’s a complete how-to book for others in this terrible position and is imprinted with her love for her son.”